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Your February Astrological Forecast from @Mercuryinmorgan


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As Lana Del Rey poignantly lyricized on her second album, Born to Die, “Money is the anthem of success” and in February, every Aquarius will know that it’s a fact. Venus spells out “AQUARIUS” in neon lights from February 1 to February 25, and everyone wants to come see your show. Love and money are kinetically attracted to your physical being with Venus in your sign, and the planetary stadium will be packed on February 6 and 7 when Uranus and Jupiter promote for you. Use these dates to get in touch with creative colleagues, network online and IRL, and publicize your revolutionary ideas through social media. The new moon falls in Aquarius on February 10 and this is going to be an inspirational day for all aspects of your existence. If you’re seeking the ideal date to launch a website or present a fashion show or public exhibition of any kind, the new moon on February 10 plus or minus 3 days is the best time of the month. You can also use the new moon to set intentions you want to manifest in the future. The full lunar cycle takes for 2 1/2 years, but you will see #real results within 30 days. You will want to use all of the #transcendent energy during the first half of the month to get things in order before impending retrogrades in the second half of February. On February 18 Saturn moves retrograde in your 10th house of publicity, and you can use this time productively to tweak the details of major projects you are working on and consider the direction your career is taking. On February 23, Mercury moves retrograde in your 2nd house of possessions, and you need to be cautious with all of your technology because it could easily slip out of your hands. Update, back up, and remember to screenshot your snapchats.

February 6 & 7 – Venus puts your name in lights.
February 10 – New Moon in Aquarius #transcendent energy elevates your existence.
February 15 – Forget #TGIF, your career is taking off and you’ll want to work all weekend. Plan a power lunch.
February 18 – Saturn will retrograde in your 10th house until July 7. Use this time to refine your public image and define your career path.
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Screenshot your snapchats until March 17
February 25 – The full moon in Virgo is likely to wake you up with unsettling dreams.
February 28 – Venus conjunct Neptune Pisces and give you a temporary portal to the other side. Psychic abilities are awakened.


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Hey Pisces pals, I know you’re sensitive peeps, but I have to give you some tough love this month-Mercury is moving retrograde on February 23 and you should plan on taking a vow of silence now, because it is going to be seriously confusing. Cancel all your appointments, call in sick to work in advance, and consider taking a leave of absence from reality. If you don’t have the luxury of escape, make efforts to be as clear as possible in all of your communications. Avoid being vague like the plague, and triple check emails, texts, and messages for mistakes. Celebrate the first half of the month, because aspects will be totally #chill, and the universe will be happy to do you a few favors. Mercury officially begins retrograde on February 23, but it will be in its shadow by February 18, and this is when wires will start to cross. Luckily on February 12, 15, and 16, important supporters or angel investors will be looking to get in touch, and they’re desperate to help you out. Use these days to get your message across so you don’t have to send out an SOS during the retrograde. The new moon on February 10 sends you vibrations from the #nextlevel of consciousness, and your intuition will be strong all month long, even during the raunchy retrograde. You end the month on a supernatural note. When Venus and Neptune meet up in Pisces on February 28 you’ll be daytripping in your divine daydreams. 

February 6 – Psychic visions and intuition you have now will be a guide for you through the month
February 12 – Angel investors get in touch and beg to support all of your whims and desires
February 16 – You’ll see how easy it could be to make your dreams come true. Reach for the top.
February 18 – Prepare for Mercury’s impending retrograde, get everything organized
February 23 – 9-1-1 it’s a critical emergency Mercury is officially in retrograde. Start your vow of silence today.
February 28 – Inspiration is strong and serious, romance is likely


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You’re going to start off February feeling #dopeasfuck, with several days that seriously set you on fire. Uranus will be in Aries for 7 years totally changing your world in ways you never believed were possible. Uranus is not about slow and steady change, but abrupt, violent shifts–the perfect planetary placement for thrill-seeking Aries. Social success is guaranteed this month, with Venus in your 11th house of friends, attracting new and exciting acquaintances into your reality with help from Uranus and Jupiter. February 6 and 7 have social surprises in store for you, so make sure you don’t spend these days alone. Because the 11th house rules online connections, it’s important to be plugged in on February 6, 7. Anything you post will be instantly “liked.” The new moon in Aquarius on February 10 also lands in your 11th house of social media, and this is another stellar day for instagramming, tweeting, and posting on your Tumblr. If you’re planning an event this month, the new moon will provide an ideal moment any time 3 days before or after February 10.  The second half of February will be decidedly low-key after an exciting two week session of social mountaineering. Mercury will move retrograde in Pisces on February 23, hitting your 12th house of “Oblivion”. Use Mercury’s month long retrograde to seek deeper meaning and meditate on the past while listening to Grimes. For Aries, this retrograde is going to be an Irene, not a Sandy, enjoy your day off, and don’t let the confusion of others get the best of you! The full moon in Virgo on February 25 will have your concentration on organization (for once!). Clean up your office or your bedroom, update your google calendar, and make sure all aspects of your life are in order.

February 1 – Mars shifts in to Pisces, get in touch with the divine feminine
February 6 & 7 – You will be feeling #social
February 10 – The new moon in Aquarius “likes” your status
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces encourages soul-searching
February 25 – The full Moon in Virgo is the perfect day to get things organized around your home or office
February 28 – Download Grimes and enter “Oblivion.” Venus and Neptune come together in your 12th house of introspection



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The new moon in Aquarius on February 10 falls in your 10th house of corporate success, and your stock is skyrocketing thanks to all the time you’ve invested in your career over the past few months. If you’ve been planning to ask for a raise, or a promotion, you can use new moon magick to manifest your ambitions. On February 7, you get a taste of success when Venus trines Jupiter in your 2nd house of personal possessions, increasing your cash flow. This is an excellent day to deal with any financial matters that you are obligated to deal with, and it’s SO important to get everything organized before the impending Mercury retrograde that will make the second half of February too wacky to deal with details. Love will be on your mind around February 16, and you might realize that you’ve been over-looking someone special in your friend group. It’s possible that your BFF will become your BF or GF. I know it’s hard for a homebody like Taurus to make it out of the house in winter, but you really shouldn’t miss the opportunity to get out and socialize in mid-February and enjoy the fun vibes before Mercury goes retrograde. You’ll thank me for the #FOMO l8er. On February 23, Mercury will move retrograde in your 11th house, and you will want to be clear with your acquaintances during the retrograde, because miscommunications will be most likely amongst friends. 

February 6 & 7 – See an increase in cash-flow, your stock is skyrocketing
February 10 – The new moon in Aquarius shows everyone that you’re CEO material
February 16 – Have fun with friends; it’s possible that you will meet someone exciting in your friend group
February 18 – Saturn is retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, identify what you need in a partnership
February 23 – Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, be clear with friends and acquaintances- avoid passive aggressive communication


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Precious Gem(ini), You were feeling dull and tarnished since Jupiter moved retrograde in Gemini from October 4 to January 29. Planetary polish returns you to your sparkling self as the month begins, and you will have two exciting weeks before Mercury goes retrograde when all the planets are moving forward. These two weeks will be highly productive, and you can use the cosmic energy to your advantage by making travel plans for the future, initiating new collaborative projects, and updating your online presence. On February 6, Venus and Uranus provide a neural neti-pot that will illuminate key information and relieve all mental blockage. Look for this information to flow in the form of a text or an email from someone far away. February 7, Venus snapchats Jupiter in Gemini and this is your luckiest day of the month, screenshot this day and reminisce about the good vibes you feel whenever the Mercury retrograde brings you down. The new moon on February 10 stimulates your mind and piques your interest in an obscure subject; follow your intuition and sign up for those night classes in phrenology you’ve been thinking about. It’s also possible that you’ll be traveling around the new moon on February 10, and if you want to plan a vacation in February, this would be the most exciting time to make it happen. Your ruling planet, Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces in February 23 and it will transit your 10th house of career and public image until March 17. Take extra care when talking to co-workers, beware of meltdowns in the office, and try not to get teary in public. Mercury in Pisces tends to confuse thoughts with emotions, and trouble comes when you identify too strongly with your feelings. A trick I’ve learned to dealing with watery Pisces transits is to stay hydrated, so make sure you drink a lot of water until March 17. Frequent escapes to the water cooler will help you avoid workplace woes.

February 6 – Interesting and inspirational information is illuminated
February 7 – This is your #luckyday
February 10 – The new moon in Aquarius piques your interest in an unusual subject
February 12 – This is the day to #askforit at work. If you need to renegotiate a business deal, meet with a client or superior, do it now before retrograde
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces, avoid getting emotional in public, it’s not the look you want to project.
February 28 – Venus conjunct Neptune in your 4th house. Chill out at home and reconnect with family. Give your Mom a call! 

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The levees have broken, and water signs are flooded from two directions this month with Mercury moving retrograde in Pisces and Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. Cancer avoids the deluge, but with elemental amigos in siege, you will need to shore up your protective shell this month to stay safe. A cleanse is in order in the first half of February, and I’m not talking about a juice fast. What Cancer needs is a meditative mental cleanse to clear the mind and exercise out of shape emotional wave-lengths. The new moon on February 10 falls in your 8th house of spiritual awakening, and this will help you exorcise (not exercise) the karma you want to release. Try releasing yourself from the bondage of modern technology by leaving your phone in “airplane mode” all month long and take flight in mental & emotional space. February 7 would be a great day to do work with your Aura, when Venus and Jupiter occupy the most spiritually sensitive spaces of your chart, giving you an opportunity to work with energy and perform self-reflexive Rei Kei. On February 18, Saturn will move retrograde in your 5th house of creative expression, and this will help you re-examine the physical manifestation of your artistic intelligence. Are you living up to your full creative potential? Do you need to explore a new aesthetic? On February 23, Mercury will retrograde in your 9th house of knowledge and higher education. For Cancer, this retrograde is all about replacing outdated philosophies and updating your consciousness for the present. Find a new guru or guide, and set of on a course of philosophical study. If you’re still questioning on February 28, Venus and Neptune come together in your 5th house to give you the creative inspiration you need move on to the next level. 

February 7 – Start a mental cleanse that includes a smart phone fast and a daily regimen of self-reflexive Rei Kei
February 10 – The new moon questions your spiritual values
February 16 – Mars and saturn make this a productive day for pushing ahead with creative projects
February 18 – Saturn moves retrograde in Scorpio and you have a chance to shift your aesthetic
February 23 – Mercury moves retrograde in Pisces, search for a new Guru
February 28 – You’re breaking through to the other side, and it looks like heaven


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February is 100% PURE LOVE for LEO. The new moon on February 10 falls in your 7th house of L-U-V, providing romantic rejuvenation just in time for a totally dreamy Valentine’s day. The new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle in relationships and partnerships, and you can use this energy to “renew your vows” with friends, business partners, and lovers. Current relationships will be heating up, with the planets providing extra-sensory mental and physical stimulation around February 6 and 7. Venus transits your 7th house this month, making stunning aspects to Uranus, the planet of excitement, and Jupiter the planet of adventure. If you’re currently involved, these aspects are sure to reinvigorate stale situations. And if you’re looking for love, the planets will push you towards passionate partnership. You’re a maniac for a braniac this month, so you’re not just looking for a pretty face, you need a PhD. All planets will be moving full speed ahead for the better half of February, providing a huge burst of productivity and good vibes. Jupiter was retrograde in your 11th house of group connectivity from October 4 until the end of January, and you probably unplugged from the collective consciousness as much as possible during this time. Use the first 2 1/2 weeks of February to socially recharge before Saturn moves retrograde on February 18, bringing your focus back home. On February 23, Mercury moves retrograde in Pisces, and causing you to think deeply about how you feel. What do you need to feel emotionally balanced on all levels? How can you manifest your soul’s desire? Mercury will be in your 8th house of credit card debt and student loans, so if financial burden is what holds you back, work on balancing your budget now so you can have more fun later.

February 6 – Love aspects are out of control, but you’re only a maniac for a braniac.
February 7 – Go out tonight and impress the universe with your witty repartee
February 10 – The new moon in Aquarius fills your life with L-U-V
February 18 – Saturn moves retrograde in Scorpio reminding you of pressing matters at home.
February 23 – Mercury moves retrograde in Pisces, be careful not to blurt out all your secrets!
February 25 – The full moon in Virgo appreciates your auspicious chi and strong work ethic
February 28 – Venus is conjunct Neptune and your dreams tonight could reveal an intuitive pathway towards success


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Stability is a myth that Virgo loves to believe in, but reality is a constantly shifting collective collaboration that just can’t be counted on for any regularity. Success is an adaptable commodity, and it can be yours if you let your routine transcend reality. The new moon on February 10 refreshes your daily routine and reveals new pathways on well known routes. Use the energy of the new moon to break bad habits that are no longer necessary and block you from true self-realization. This would be the perfect time to commit to a new fitness regime, change your diet, quit smoking, or vow to quit nail biting and hair twirling. The planets will confidently support your decision to get rid of your personal security blanket, so you don’t need to feel anxiety about letting go. Releasing unnecessary neural pathways will allow you to invite new energies in to your life, and on February 16, there’s a chance you’ll be inviting a new romantic partner in to your personal universe if you can make enough mental space. Mars is active in your 7th house of love and relationships, matchmaking all month long. February 16 will be the culmination of the search, and you should pay attention to who turns up as a result. On February 23, Mercury will move retrograde in your 7th house, possibly igniting old flames. Try to keep it current, and avoid getting entangled with exes; you have so many options on the horizon that you don’t want to miss. On February 25, the full moon in Virgo is an occasion for you to plan a lunar celebration. You’ll be feeling witchy, and you can easily use full moon magick to cast spells that reinforce new habits and manifest soul desires.

February 6 – Change bad habits that effect your health and well-being
February 10 – Feng Shui your daily life and refresh stale routines
February 16 – Positive communication flow today will help you express how you feel to your existential partners
February 18 – Saturn retrogrades thru Scorpio changing your relationship to information, update your data plan
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces creates emotional disturbances in relationships -Be extra sensitive!
February 25 – The full moon in Virgo highlights your existence and celebrates your reality


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After a month spent in practical, hardworking Capricorn, your ruling planet Venus is spring-breaking in Aquarius and you’re invited to Cancun with the rest of the sorority/fraternity. You will be totally focused on romance for the duration of your Venusian vacation, but remember to spend time with the gals, because you could come to some truly transcendent realizations during intense bonding moments brought on by the bong. On February 6 & 7, Venus takes body shots in your 5th house of promiscuous affairs, and you’re likely to meet a hottie or a hunk you’ll be more than happy with, despite your high standards. The new moon in Aquarius on February 10 also falls in your 5th house of promiscuity (and creativity), and this weekend could take casual romance to the next level. Love will provide inspiration for a new creative vision, so make sure you record the brilliant ideas you have during romantic bliss. Saturn goes retrograde in your 2nd house of personal property on February 18, which could create a temporary financial pinch, but it’s OK. Just remember how #Zen your existence was on Spring Break-all you really need is your bikini thong and your beer bong. Mercury moves retrograde in Pisces on February 23, and this could create confusion surrounding your daily routine at work. Be flexible with your colleagues and feel your way through the underlying shifts that occur until March 17.

February 6 – You’re invited to spring break with Venus, Uranus and Jupiter
February 7 – Venus is taking body shots in your sector of romance
February 10 – You’re getting lucky on the new moon in Aquarius. Buy a lottery ticket!
February 18 – Saturn retrograde in Scorpio asks you to adopt a #Zen attitude towards material concerns
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces, effecting your 6th house of work and routines, be flexible in the office
February 25 – Full moon in Virgo Reconnect with the rhythms of the moon and your body- regenerate & rejuvenate
February 28 – Venus is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, your dreams are going to be totally psychic!


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Saturn is moving retrograde in Scorpio on February 18, and it stays there until July 7. Saturn in your sign is a planetary critique you might want to ignore, but you can use Saturn’s harsh words to completely retrofit your existence, especially during the 5 month retrograde. There are several dates that you need to use with surgical precision to get things in order before you have to deal with the past-life karma and cosmic BS that Saturn is about to bring to the surface. Saturn in retrograde could push back your schedule at work, but you can use the organizational acumen that you have on February 7 to set important plans in to stone. February 12 and 15 will help you hone your creative vision, and you will receive essential inspiration that will be explored during the Saturn and Mercury retrograde. The new moon on February 10 allows you to get cozy at home and enjoy an essential moment of relaxation. Set up your dom dungeon over the weekend, you will want to have easy access to private space where you can release tension during Saturn’s retrograde. Mercury moves in to retrograde on February 23, and while it could cause creative confusion, it is likely that you will expand your horizons during the month long retrograde. On February 28, Venus and Neptune will come together in Pisces, and the ecclesiastic visions you have today will push you through this temporarily troublesome time.

February 10 – New moon in Aquarius get things cozy at home before the retrograde hits
February 16 – What can you positively push forward while Saturn moves backwards? Make plans today for the next 140 days
February 18 – Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio could create setbacks across the board
February 25 – The full moon in Virgo is your time to socialize this month!
February 23 – Mercury retrograde in Pisces will create confusion surrounding creative projects, let your ideas mature before you move ahead


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You’re familiar with being fabulous, but this February you’re ’bout to be “Gone with the Wind” fabulous now that your ruling planet Jupiter is finally out of retrograde. Things have probably sucked since October 4, because Jupiter has totally f*&#%ed with your luck. You probably got so used to bad moods and bitter feelings that it seemed like your new normal, but your planetary Prozac has finally arrived, and things are about to get infinitely better. You begin the month with Jupiter steadily moving forward until February 5, when it’s full speed ahead just in time to take advantage of two fantastic aspects that allow you to share your true self with someone special. Jupiter was retrograde in your romantic sector, and dating was a disaster since October 4. You will get your groove back on February 6 & 7 when Venus, the planet of love, is blowing kisses towards your 5th house of love affairs and your 7th house of partnerships. These two dates, along with the new moon in Aquarius on February 10, are your time to snap, crackle, and pop after 4 months of feeling like a wet blanket. Everyone will want to be you and be with you. On February 16, you’ll finally deal with the roommate karma that’s been blocking domestic bliss, and the dishes you left in the sink last month are totally “past-life.” You just completed the Tour de France of retrogrades, so you should have #nofear of Mercury’s retrograde that begins on February 23. Mercury will move backwards through your 4th house of family and close friends. Old friends will reappear, and it will be emotionally rewarding to reconnect. The tides have shifted in your favor, and the full moon on February 25 finds your corporate canoe coasting upstream. If your career advances were rebuffed during Jupiter’s long retrograde, the full moon in Virgo will shine light on all the hard work you’ve put in over the past 4 months.

February 6 & 7 – Venus is blowing you kisses
February 10 – The new moon in Aquarius allows you to communicate your true awesomeness
February 16 – Deal with #pastlife Karma in roommate situations, finally get all your dishes done!
February 23 – Mercury moves retrograde in Pisces, reconnect with family & old friends. Avoid miscommunications with those currently closest to you.
February 25 – The full moon in Virgo steers your corporate canoe on the right course


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You had your moment in the spotlight with 5 planets moving through Capricorn in January, and now that the planetary pressure is off its time for a chillaxing moment. Mars moves in to gentle Pisces on February 1, and it’s the right time to take things easy and go with the flow. Rest up for the first half of the month because your ruling planet Saturn moves in to retrograde on February 18, and you will need a healthy routine of tension relief to deal with the Saturnian strain. You possess a natural understanding of Saturn’s power to test and torture, but also to cement and build new realities. Saturn will retrograde through your 11th house of group interactions, and this will build new structures of support in your friend group. You will be deciding who’s in and who’s out over the next 140 days. February 6 & 7 will have you cozying up at home, in total winter hibernation mode, and that’s right where you belong. You deserve some peace and quiet before the retrogrades at the end of the month. The new moon in Aquarius on February 10 reminds Capricorn that you are living in a material world. Financial matters will be focus of lunar energy and if you are seeking to increase cash flow, use this moon to begin a new cycle of commercial enterprise. You are the CEO of your own corporation, make the executive decision to manifest money in new markets. Although you might not be in the mood to party, it would truly be social suicide to stay at home on Saturday, February 16 missing the majorly fun aspects that could ignite your night. Pay attention to stories that develop around February 16, because you will be exploring the energy around this day during the Saturn and Mercury retrogrades. Your daily commute might become frustrating when Mercury moves retrograde on February 23, so allot more time when traveling. You will be excused for your temporary tardiness, it’s totally a planetary problem!

February 6 & 7 – Have a #chillaxing moment
February 10 – The new moon gives you power to make the #executive decisions necessary to increase cash flow
February 12 – Connect with the corporate office, send #important emails and deal with career matters
February 15 – A productive day to get things organized before the retrogrades strike
February 16 – It would be social suicide to stay home tonight
February 18 – Saturn moves retrograde through your 11th house, shifting your social allegiances
February 23 – Mercury moves retrograde, and you totally have an excuse for your temporary tardiness


The leading image in this post comes from Astrology IRL, your calendar and astrological guide for #2K13! Available on Etsy!

Astrology Morgan Rehbock

Photography Christelle de Castro

Graphic design Romina Cenisio

Styling  Morgan Rehbock & Romina Cenisio

Aquarius Kay Goldberg


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