Miami? Shell-Reflexive
Curated by Agatha Wara Absolute Vitality Inc. (Keller/Kosmas), Simon Denny, Yngve Holen, Ilja Karilampi, Nedberg & Kantun, Katja Novitskova, Halvor Rønning, Timur Si-Qin, Spring Break, Anne de...
Do 6 ao 25 de Janeiro de 2013 Capacete transformará seu espaço da Rua Benjamin Constant, no bairro de Gloria, Rio de Janeiro, na Universidade de Verão 2013: uma escola gratuita e experimental de arte...
View ArticleWhere are the Masterpieces of Our Time?
If the notion of the masterpiece pertains to a category of modernist art, then we could certify that in our postmodernity there is no longer a place for them. Historically, one of the first tasks of...
View ArticleMTV Cribs Visits #CULockIn in the Peter Cooper Suite
MTV Cribs-style video of the students who have barricaded themselves inside the 8th floor Peter Cooper suite. What do they want? Free Education. And the promise that The Cooper Union which has a 110...
View ArticleAstrology IRL: Your Guide to #2K13
We’ve made it 99% through the year of #yolo, and 2013 shines bright like a diamond, just around the corner. What does it have in store for us? Consciousness continues to shift. We all become more...
View ArticleVIDEO: How to Dress Well – & It Was U
The latest in the line of insta(ntly) iconic in(sta)spired videos, this time from Lana Del Dress Well. (FYI: we love this video). Directed by Luke Gilford
View Article#ArtBaselMiami
In case you’re NOT on instagram… it-girl BFFs @parkangels were DIS’s lenses this year, covering the various Miami art fairs, exhibitions, and general ABMB goings on. Not only did they catch Beyonce...
View ArticleCulturally Relevant Pedagogy
Artist and high school teacher D’Ette Nogle learns how to dougie. She, also, does not believe in a god who doesn’t dance. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy from Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer on Vimeo.
View ArticleMOCA TV: CYBER
MOCA TV presents Cyber: part two of the Performativity video program. Featuring work by Seychelle Allah and Rhett LaRue, Ryan Trecartin, and Yemenwed, and new commissions by boychild, Casey Jane...
View ArticleShell-Reflexive at BFI #BuildFutureInvestments
Shell-Reflexive installation view, structures by Joar Nedberg & Audar Kantun, 2012 Halvor Rønning shopper bags, 2012; Anne de Vries advertising futures towels, 2012 Shell-Reflexive installation...
View ArticleDirections
Spencer Ashby and Analisa Teachworth take to the street, literally, to conduct an inquisitive field study of car enthusiasts at the annual Woodward Dream Cruise -- an automobile show and parade which...
View Article(GNYDM)
DIS sent Harry Griffin to the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) to capture the largest healthcare and dental event in the United States. Open wide!
View Article¡Disfruten la Apocalipsis!
Successful Lifestyle-Strategies for the End of the World. Images by Rachel de Joode and words by Johannes Thumfart. Firewire Salutation The Maya Calendar of 2012 was one of the dominating memes of the...
View ArticleReal Housewives of Art Basel Miami
Guardians of an antiquated brand of authenticity are quick to discredit things today that may appear fake or mercenary—as if these qualities have no connection to understanding truth and generosity!...
View ArticleDet rimligt bangern det her set
Det rimligt bangern det her setMix by Lisbent, with web/cover art by Claudia Mate/Carlos SáezListen here.
View ArticleGift This
“This eleventh edition of In Almost Every Picture is entirely dedicated to photographs from Fred and Valerie. A couple from Florida who share a passion for “wet fun adventure”. One is the...
View ArticleGirl I Got Your Back on Christmas Day!
Just pretend you’re Blue Ivy and let go, follow the ghost of Destiny’s Child past. Some think I am blessed just because of the Amount written on my check not because of the Amount of my happiness is...
View ArticleJeremy Deller – So many ways to hurt you, the life and times of Adrian Street...
A film by Jeremy Deller that tells the story of Adrian Street, the son of a coal miner who decided to become a pro wrestler. Jeremy Deller – So many ways to hurt you, the life and times of Adrian...
View ArticleGlobal .Wav | Belly Dance Masters
Iraq, 2011 Belly dancing in the West reminds me of Western choreographers, shmaltzy ’50s records and “Orient” enthusiasts. Occasionally some random Arab Diaspora nightclub-cum-cafe will have an event...
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